Spice up your summer by making corn on the cob that sizzles.Tiffany Griffin, Chef at ComoWater, will tell you how.
Tiffany takes your all-American standard fare and adds cultures. Cilantro and harissa go mainstream with her easy to prepare corn smear recipe. Wherever your guests are from they will never eat corn on the cob again with just butter and salt.
The premise of Como Water, and Tiffany's style of food preparation, is vegan and vegetarian. Note that Tiffany's recipe calls for Earth Balance instead of butter.
If you are not vegetarian, you can adapt this spicy smear for grilled meat and fish.
Check back for more healthy recipes from Tiffany at Como Water.
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Wednesday, July 6, 2011
Cilantro-Harissa Grilled Corn Recipe
corn on the cob
grilled corn recipe
Healthy Recipes
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Hi there, I stopped over from Tiffany's site to take a look around :)
Your photography is divine!
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