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Tuesday, April 14, 2015
How Food Looks and Your Appetite
My lunch companion oohed and aahed over this plate and I just wanted to change places at the table so I didn't have to look at it.
But would this have been any more appealing without the head and tail attached? The slicing of the body is artistic. Even the cutlery is artfully arranged. It's the color of the fish.
Maybe it's cultural and you have to be from Myanmar.
Looking at food affects your appetite. Although the brown and grey on this plate are offset by the bright green and orange garnishes, I think eating this fish would be an acquired taste. Evidently it was quite delicious, but then some people will try anything. Getting past initial repulsion to some kind of salivatory response would take a blindfold for me. You eat with your eyes first.
That's why food colors are important. You look at food and make a determination before you taste it. We don't like burnt food more for the color than the taste. We are used to eating blueberries, but certain colors like blue are appetite suppressants. Food wonks suggest that we choose food for color because colorful foods contain antioxidents that are beneficial. Their recommendations are that you eat at least three colors of food at every meal. Avoid foods with color additives supplied by the food industry to trick you.
This is where getting fresh fruits and vegetables come into play. If you think about making your dinner plate attractive, you will be more likely to make it colorful and choose healthy food.
Make eating a colorful experience with wine glasses and plates that enhance the color of the food. If you are putting any effort into getting food on the table, color will increase the compliments you deserve.
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